name: empty layout: true --- name: base layout: true template: empty background-image: none --- name: ttitle layout: true template: empty class: center, middle background-image: url(img/containers_bg.png) background-size: cover --- name: inverse layout: true template: base class: center, middle, inverse background-image: none --- name: impact layout: true template: base class: middle, impact background-image: url(img/containers_bg.png) background-size: cover --- name: picture layout: true template: base class: center, middle background-image: none --- name: code layout: true template: base class: terminal background-image: none --- name: terminal layout: true template: base class: center, middle, terminal background-image: none --- name: default layout: true template: base class: bg-blur background-image: url(img/containers_bg.png) background-size: cover --- layout: false template: default name: agenda # Agenda .left-column[ - [What is a Container?](#container) - [Running Containers](#docker-run) - [Volumes](#volumes) - [Networking](#networking) - [Compose](#compose) - [Security](#security) ] .right-column[ - [Best Practices](#best-practices) - [Building Images](#building) - [Multi-Stage Builds](#multi-stage) - [Registry](#registry) - [Orchestration](#orchestration) ] --- layout: false template: ttitle name: title # Docker Intro .left-column[ .pic-circle-70[![Brandon Mitchell](img/bmitch.jpg)] ] .right-column[.align-right[.no-bullets[
- Brandon Mitchell - Twitter: @sudo_bmitch - GitHub: sudo-bmitch ]]] ??? - My twitter and github handles are what any self respecting sysadmin does when you get a permission denied error on your favorite username. - This presentation is on github and I'll have a link to it at the end, --- template: default ```no-highlight $ whoami - Solutions Architect @ BoxBoat - Docker Captain - Frequenter of StackOverflow ``` .align-center[ .pic-30[![BoxBoat](img/boxboat-logo-color.png)] .pic-30[![Docker Captain](img/docker-captain.png)] .pic-30[![StackOverflow](img/stackoverflow-logo.png)] ] ??? --- name: container template: inverse # What is a Container? --- # Containers - App vs OS isolation - Namespaces: Limit what the app sees - cgroups: Limit what resources it can use - Images vs Containers ??? - Shared kernel isolating apps vs shared hardware isolating OSs - Namespaces: Mount, PID, Network, User, UTS (hostname), IPC (inter process comm) - cgroups: CPU, memory, future may include I/O - Images vs Containers: Class vs Object, Definition vs Instance - Images: filesystem and metadata - Containers: extend image with config, RW FS layer, logs, namespaces and cgroups --- template: terminal
--- # Images - Filesystem and Metadata to create a container - Application packaging format - Application code/binaries and runtime are shipped together - Do not include configuration and data - Built with a Dockerfile - Immutable layers ??? - Filesystem is packaged as a set of tar files - Metadata includes the defaults for the container: command to run, env, username, etc, which can be overridden - Runtime includes JRE, Python interpreter, Node, plus libraries and other dependencies - Separate your app into: - Binaries, libs, deps: goes in image - Configuration: env vars and conf files injected at runtime - Data: volumes mounted into container - Dockerfile is the list of instructions to process to create an image reproducibly - Each step of a Dockerfile creates a filesystem delta, packaged as a tar, sha checksum, never changed - Allows images to extend other images - Changes require creating a new image, fundamentally diff from VMs - Eliminates state drift --- template: terminal
--- # Why? - Ops: Less overhead than a VM - Dev: Works on my machine - DevOps: Portability and faster deploys - Ephemeral containers prevent state drift - Enable microservices - Horizontal Scaling ??? - Containers don't need entire OS, so you can run more - Devs create same filesystem that will exist in prod, eliminate entire class of testing issues - Containers are very fast to release, and to roll back, seconds vs ansible playbook time - State drift: - Who likes uptime? - who wants to manage a server that's been running without a reboot for 10 years and needs patches for spectre/meltdown - We now have a reverse uptime metric, companies intentionally stop containers that have been running for too long - Uptime can go down, but availability can go up with rolling updates and LB's - Microservices: - Conways Law: orgs design structures that mirror their communication structure - Containers are designed for different groups to dev their own app, communicate across network, REST APIs - Google doesn't scale vertically, there's no single host running, they run lots of small servers - When you need more scale, you add more servers to share the load rather than a bigger server --- # Which Docker - Docker Community Edition (CE - for Linux) - Docker Desktop (Windows and Mac) - Docker Enterprise - Docker for Windows Server ??? - On servers, it's Linux and focus of this presentation - Desktop versions for Windows and Mac include an embedded Linux environment - Windows also supports Windows Containers - Enterprise is CE with a few more features, now owned by Mirantis - Windows Server supports both Win and Linux on the server, Enterprise - First 3rd party service shipped by MS with their OS --- # Related Projects - Moby - containerd - runc - buildkit / buildx - linuxkit - CNAB - Docker App ??? - Moby: open source upstream of Docker, similar to Fedora vs RHEL - containerd forked out of Docker, just images/containers, no networking or volume code - runc: is one of many runtimes, runsc (gvisor), kata (VMs). Takes FS+Net, adds other namespaces and runs/watches single container - buildkit/buildx: revamped image build tooling - linuxkit: linux OS as containers, part of Docker Desktop - CNAB: cloud native application bundle, packages a multi-container app, images, and scripted installer together - Docker App: CNAB implementation that is specific to Docker Tooling - These are just the Docker projects, see also CNCF landscape --- name: docker-run template: inverse # Running Containers --- # Running Containers - Uses an image to generate a container - CLI is order sensitive ```no-highlight $ docker [opts] container run [run_opts]
[cmd] ... ``` ??? - First docker command most learn is `run` - This take the image and turns it into a running container - CLI order matters, if you put options after the image name they become the command -- ```no-highlight $ docker container run -it --rm busybox echo hello world hello world $ ``` --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container create
$ docker container start
``` - Create a container from an image - Start that container ??? - `create` sets up the docker metadata for the container, sets up disk for the container RW layer and log files - `start` generates the various namespaces, attaches to the network (IPAM), and executes the command within the namespaces/cgroup --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
``` - Run: combination create and start ??? - `run` is a combination of `create` and `start` --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
$ docker container ls -a ``` - `ls` shows containers ??? - By default, `ls` only shows running containers --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
$ docker container ls -a $ docker container restart
``` - Restart a running container (stop and start) ??? - Restarting a container doesn't replace the container, you still have all the same namespaces, logs, and filesystem changes. - This also doesn't change the image being used, so not useful after building a new image --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
$ docker container ls -a $ docker container restart
$ docker container stop
``` - Stop a running container ??? - Kills the process with a SIGTERM, 10 second sleep, followed by SIGKILL --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
$ docker container ls -a $ docker container restart
$ docker container stop
$ docker container kill
``` - Forcefully kill a container ??? - Immediately runs a SIGKILL, could result in data loss --- # Container Lifecycle ```no-highlight $ docker container run
$ docker container ls -a $ docker container restart
$ docker container stop
$ docker container kill
$ docker container rm
``` - Delete a container ??? - Delete container logs - Delete any filesystem changes from the image - Delete metadata stored in docker --- template: terminal
??? --- # Debugging Containers ```no-highlight $ docker container logs
``` - Show STDOUT/STDERR ??? - Write your app logs to stdout/stderr and Docker will handle them for you - Do not write to files inside the container if avoidable - Docker can be configured to forward to log aggregators (Elastic/Splunk) --- # Debugging Containers ```no-highlight $ docker container logs
$ docker container inspect
``` - Inspect: shows metadata for an object in docker ??? - Metadata includes what image, start/stop times, exit code, and any options passed when running - Very powerful for scripting and automation, output is json formatted and format options let you select/filter/format using Go templates --- # Debugging Containers ```no-highlight $ docker container logs
$ docker container inspect
$ docker container exec
``` - Exec: Run a command in the same container environment ??? - The most common exec is a shell to get a command prompt inside the container - Useful for developers, code smell in production --- template: terminal
??? --- name: volumes template: inverse # Persistent Data? --- # Volumes - Ephemeral Containers = Data Loss - Volumes mount an external source into containers - Not versioned or backed up by docker - Many to many relationship between containers and volumes ??? - Container FS is deleted with container rm - Volumes: mount external source into container - Mounting hides the previous contents - External location isn't controlled by docker, no versioning or backups - Deleted files in a volume are gone, recreating the container won't reset - Containers may have multiple volumes, mounting different directories - Multiple containers may mount the same volume (user manages file locking) --- # Volume Types - Named: - Docker manages with a name - Initialized when empty to image contents - Host: - Bind mount of directory on the host for external access - No initialization, permission issues - Anonymous: - Same as named volume, but with guid - Tmpfs: - Not really a volume, data stored in RAM, never persisted ??? - Named volumes are preferred - Host volumes only when you need them - Permission issues are common - UID/GID mismatch between container and host user - Anonymous volumes are often accidents and where data is lost - Typically when image defines a VOLUME target and container doesn't provide a source - tmpfs is useful for data that doesn't need to be saved - Lost on container restart --- # Managing Volumes ```no-highlight $ docker volume ... Commands: create Create a volume inspect Display detailed information on one or more volumes ls List volumes prune Remove all unused local volumes rm Remove one or more volumes ... $ docker volume create [opts]
$ docker container run -v
``` ??? - `docker volume` has similar commands, create, inspect, ls, rm - We can create a volume in advance with `create`, useful with options - Running a container with `-v` includes a volume, `src:tgt` - excluding src results in anonymous vol - options include RO, sync options for Mac --- # Local Volume Driver ```no-highlight $ docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=none \ --opt device=/home/user/test \ --opt o=bind \ bind_vol $ docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=nfs \ --opt o=nfsvers=4,,rw \ --opt device=:/path/to/dir \ nfs_vol ``` Options are passed through to `mount` syscall ??? - By default, local named volume stores locally in /var/lib/docker - We can change the default with options to local driver - This is the mount syscall, not cmd, but most cases are identical - `type` is typically the filesystem type, ext4, nfs, with bind it's none - `o` is for options - `device` is often the drive, e.g. /dev/sda1 - Why do a bind mount this way instead of a host mount? - Named bind mount will initialize host from image, including uid/gid perms --- template: terminal
??? --- name: networking template: inverse # Networking ??? - Microservies communicate over the network - So running multiple containers needs a network to communicate - And external access needs a way to reach container ports --- # Networking - Network is namespaced - Private IP - Localhost is internal to the container - Bridge: Linux software switch - Multiple containers on the same bridge communicate on container ports - Overlay network: bridge that spans multiple hosts - DNS: enabled on user created networks - Resolves container name, service name, aliases, container ID, not hostname - Publishing Ports: port forward from docker host into container - Expose: metadata/documentation from image creator to user ??? - Namespaced: inside a container will not talk to the host (by default, host networking) - Bridge: how containers talk to each other - Overlay: setup by swarm and K8s to allow containers to talk between hosts - DNS: container IP's change, DNS is built in service discovery - must be a user created network - Publish: used for external access, don't connect to container IP - Expose: not required, documents port image creator expects app to listen on inside container --- # Networking This doesn't work ```no-highlight $ docker network create usernet $ docker container run -d \ --net usernet -p 8080:80 --name web \ nginx $ docker container run -it busybox ping web $ docker container run -it --net usernet \ busybox curl http://web:8080/ $ curl http://localhost/ ``` ??? - None of these ping and curl commands work, why? - ping is not on the same network, no DNS, diff bridge - curl inside a container needs the container port - curl on host needs the published port --- # Networking This will work ```no-highlight $ docker network create usernet $ docker container run -d \ --net usernet -p 8080:80 --name web \ nginx $ docker container run -it --net usernet \ busybox ping web $ docker container run -it --net usernet \ busybox curl http://web/ $ curl http://localhost:8080/ ``` ??? - Same network, and DNS, on user created networks for container networking - Container port when doing container networking - Host port outside of the container --- # Networking - Link: legacy feature, based on static hostname entries - Publish on a single interface: `-p` - Reverse proxies / Ingress - Container IP address ??? - Few miscellaneous points... - Don't use links, when your target container is replaced, it gets a new IP, and the link no longer works. - There is more than one loopback IP, but this could be any IP on the host. Host port 80, container port 8080 - Many reverse proxy options: nginx, haproxy, traefik - Publish a port (HTTP/HTTPS) to the proxy, that talks to each container - Access containers by hostname/path/header/etc - Key component of microservices deployment, useful for internal LB - Containers will have a private IP, don't use it, publish ports to host or DNS between containers - IP addresses change as containers are replaced - Static IP's for a container eliminate the ability to scale or do rolling updates - Static IP's are a code smell, treating container as a VM, cattle not pets --- template: terminal
??? --- name: compose template: inverse # Compose --- # Compose - `docker` is a CLI to REST API for `dockerd` daemon - `docker-compose` is another CLI to same API - Configuration is stored in YML file: `docker-compose.yml` - Args to `docker` get moved into YML - Multi-container projects - Scaling replicas of a container - Networking with DNS - Project name is prefixed on objects - Declarative vs Imperative ??? - We've been using a CLI to talk to a REST API - Compose avoids the need to remember all the args, moves into YML - Default settings are useful for most projects - Multi-container projects need networking, DNS, scaling - Project name is a kind of namespacing of an app - Named volumes are not deleted without extra flags - Declarative: define target state and compose compares to current, only runs needed commands, YML is the target state --- class: small # docker-compose.yml ```no-highlight version: '2' volumes: data: networks: frontend: backend: services: app: ... db: ... ``` ??? - YML is white space sensitive, JSON compatible - Top level includes version, volumes, networks, and services - Must have version and services - Version 2 is a minimum, 2.x for single node docker-compose, 3.x to support swarm mode - Volumes and Networks define values to be used within services --- class: small # docker-compose.yml ```no-highlight ... services: app: image: app:latest environment: - "DB_HOST=db" ports: - 8080:80 networks: - frontend - backend db: image: mysql networks: - backend volumes: - "data:/data" ``` ??? - Multiple services, app and db - Values within services are thinks you could create on `docker run` --- # docker-compose ```no-highlight $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose ps $ docker-compose restart app $ docker-compose logs app $ docker-compose down ``` ??? - Most of the CLI's match `docker` commands - `up` to start everything instead of `run` - `down` to stop and cleanup everything except for named volumes --- template: terminal
??? --- name: security template: inverse # Security --- # Security - Capabilities - Seccomp - RO Filesystem - Scratch / Distroless - AppArmor / SELinux - Secrets ??? - Capabilities limit what root can do (shutdown, mount, change time, etc) - Seccomp limit what syscalls are permitted - Container root filesystem's can be made Read Only - Minimal images can include those without any normal commands like a shell or libc - Linux Security Modules AppArmor and SELinux restrict file and network operations - There are several ways to manage secrets: - Avoid ENV vars (not scoped within app, exposed to child processes, dumped in logs, visible in inspect) - Use Swarm or K8s secrets, Vault, or Key Mgmt Svc (KMS) --- template: terminal
??? --- name: best-practices template: inverse # Best Practices --- # Best Practices - Separate code/deps, config/secrets, data - One app per container - Don't run as root - Named volumes - Minimize published ports - Reverse proxies ??? - Code/Deps go in Image, config/secrets injected in compose/manifest, data stored in volumes - Multi-app containers lose readable logs, error handling, and ability to update a single app - Use user namespaces or run containers as non-root to minimize escape risk (e.g. runc escape) - Named volumes > Host: UID/GID perm and initialization - Published ports are open to the internet - Reverse proxies are useful when running http microservices, publish one port, route by hostname/path/header - Nginx, Traefik, HAProxy --- name: building template: inverse # Building Images --- # Image Fundamentals - Overlay Filesystem - Filesystem type in the Linux kernel - Merges one or more base layers with read-write layer ??? - Overlay filesystem takes one or more base layers, merges them together - Each layer is a directory - Add a work directory that is empty, just for overlay - Read write upper layer captures changes, lower layers are read-only - Read write layer could be added to list of lower layers in a future mount - Each layer is a step of an image build --- template: terminal
??? --- # Image Fundamentals - Layered Filesystem - Base Image - scratch - Alpine - Debian, CentOS - distroless - Any other Image ??? - Scratch: empty filesystem, base of everything - No shell, libraries, etc - Alpine is minimal - musl libc rather than glibc - Debian, CentOS, etc ships minimal filesystem for those distros - Not a full install, stripped down - Not the kernel, that's shared - Google distroless includes minimal filesystem for various languages - Anything can be a base image, extend images from upstream --- # Image Fundamentals - Layered Filesystem - Base Image - Dockerfile Steps - FROM - RUN - COPY - CMD ??? - Dockerfile's are a list of steps - Each step changes metadata or adds a filesystem layer - FROM defines base image, all layers inherited - RUN performs command in temp container, captures filesystem change - COPY copies files from context to new layer - CMD sets default command when container is run, only one --- class: small # Dockerfile ```no-highlight FROM python:3 WORKDIR /app COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt COPY . . EXPOSE 80 ENV NAME=Docker User CMD [ "gunicorn", "app:app", "-b", "", \ "--log-file", "-", "--access-logfile", "-", \ "--workers", "4", "--reload", "--keep-alive", "0" ] ``` ??? - FROM python: depend on something other than latest, semver - WORKDIR is how you cd to a directory, affects all relative commands - COPY a single file, or later the entire context - RUN captures filesystem change with pip install - EXPOSE is documentation - ENV defines environment variables for commands, both RUN and CMD - LABEL is metadata, useful documentation to users - Why two COPY commands? Layer caching... --- # Layer Caching - Docker reuses cache of previous builds when possible - Compares: - Previous layer - Command being run - Checksum on files/metadata ??? - Previous layer: once the cache misses, all following steps are uncached, order matters - Command: RUN, this includes environment/args - Checksum: COPY, this looks at file contents, permissions, ownership - By copying requirements.txt separately, we only run pip install if requirements changes --- # FROM - Imports metadata and pointers to filesystem layers - Additional lines after FROM extend the new image ??? - Never modify the parent image, only add new layers to define different metadata - To change the base image layers, you need to pull or build base image itself --- class: small ```no-highlight $ cat Dockerfile FROM busybox $ docker image build -t mybusybox . Sending build context to Docker daemon 24.06kB Step 1/1 : FROM busybox:latest ---> 6d5fcfe5ff17 Successfully built 6d5fcfe5ff17 Successfully tagged mybusybox:latest $ docker image ls | grep busybox REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE busybox latest 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 months ago 1.22MB mybusybox latest 6d5fcfe5ff17 2 months ago 1.22MB ``` ??? - If we make no changes, it's the same image id --- # Exec vs Shell Syntax ```no-highlight RUN [ "echo", "hello", "world" ] RUN echo hello world ``` - Exec: json array - Executes binary directly with syscall - Shell: any string - Expands environemnt variables - I/O redirection - Chaining commands ??? - Shell format is any string, docker will run with `/bin/sh -c "your string"` - Shells give lots of features we like - Exec directly runs the command, Linux exec syscall - Each arg is a separate array entry, often spaces in shell command - You can exec a shell script or any other command - Shell's take pid 1, and block syscalls - ENTRYPOINT+CMD syntax breaks when using shell - What happens when you have a json parsing error? - A: it runs broken json string as a shell command --- # ENTRYPOINT vs CMD - Both are ways to sest the default command - Override CMD: `docker run debian echo hello world` - Override ENTRYPOINT: `docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash some_image` - Both together concatenate into one command ```no-highlight ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/app", "--common", "option" ] CMD [ "server", "--default", "arg" ] ``` ??? - Individually, each option is the same except for how you override - CMD is easy to override, ENTRYPOINT is often a script to parse CMD - What command(s) does docker run when you start a container with the above overridden with a new CMD? -- ```no-highlight $ docker container run yourimg client --custom arg >>> /bin/app --common option client --custom arg ``` ??? - How many commands will docker run to start your container? 1 - If one command / script runs lots of processes in the background and returns, what happens? Container exits --- class: small # ENTRYPOINT vs CMD ```no-highlight ENTRYPOINT /bin/app --common option CMD --default arg ``` ```no-highlight $ docker container run yourimg >>> /bin/sh -c "/bin/app --common option" /bin/sh -c "--default arg" ``` ??? - If you use the string syntax, you get this command executed in the container - `/bin/sh -c` only takes a single arg, everything else is `$*` passed to that arg string -- ```no-highlight /bin/sh -c "echo input is $1 $2" hello world ``` ??? - Valid syntax would look like `/bin/sh -c "echo $1 $2" hello world` --- class: small # ENTRYPOINT vs CMD ```no-highlight ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/app", '--common', 'option' ] CMD [ "--default" "arg" } ``` ```no-highlight $ docker container run yourimg >>> /bin/sh -c "[\"/bin/app\", '--common', 'option' ]" /bin/sh -c \ "[ \"--default\" \"arg\" }" docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"[/bin/app,\": stat [/bin/app,: no such file or directory": unknown. ``` ??? - Any error parsing the json, results in running string with a shell --- # ENV - Environment variable is defined in the image - Expanded by docker in: - COPY / ADD - ENV - FROM - LABEL - Affects any RUN commands, and containers ??? - RUN only captures changes to the filesystem, if you want to set an env var, you must tell docker - Also expanded in: - EXPOSE - STOPSIGNAL - USER - VOLUME - WORKDIR - Note: docker does not expand variable in run, only injects variable and shell in container expands it - Exec syntax does not expand --- # Build ARGs - ARG behaves identical to ENV during build - ARG is scoped - Global - Current stage - Can be overridden at build time ```no-highlight docker image build --build-arg APP_VER=5.0 -t app:5.0 . ``` --- template: picture # ENV vs ARG ??? - How do you pick? -- .pic[![Why not both](img/why_not_both.gif)] --- # ENV vs ARG ```no-highlight ARG APP_VER=5.0 ENV APP_VER=${APP_VER} RUN -v ${APP_VER} ``` ??? - By doing both, we can change a variable at build time, and still have it when running the container - If you don't need to change it at build time, but want it when container is run, use ENV - If you only want it during build, use ARG --- # Demo / Lab - Create the mobysay image - Based on "debian:10" - Set arg "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" - Run `apt-get update` and `apt-get install cowsay` - Copy in moby.cow to `/usr/share/cowsay/cows/` - Update PATH to include `/usr/games` - When run, execute `cowsay -f moby.cow Whale hello there` where the message can change ??? - Give group a few minutes to work on lab --- template: terminal
??? - mobysay image - We'll go over Dockerfile in detail next - Show build, run, and run with a different command --- # Dockerfile ```no-highlight FROM debian:10 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay COPY moby.cow /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/games ENTRYPOINT [ "cowsay", "-f", "moby.cow" ] CMD [ "Whale hello there" ] ``` ??? - `debian:10` binds to a major version but allows patches - `ARG` ensures that apt-get doesn't prompt while not affecting users in interactive containers later - `RUN` is chained: ensures both commands run together, why? - If separate, an update could cache the apt repos, and a later install could pull stale or missing packages - Where does `$PATH` come from? - From the parent image, set in `debian:10`, not from user building container - `ENTRYPOINT` uses the json syntax so we can merge `CMD` - `CMD` allows message to be easily overridden --- # ADD vs COPY and the Build Context - ADD will expand tar files, with various compression - ADD will pull from URL's, and track if those URL's have changed - When source is a directory, contents of the directory are copied - Both will copy from the build context - Neither will copy files from outside of the build context ```no-highlight docker image build -t img_name . ``` ??? - ADD has more features, and should only be used when those features are needed - If you copy multiple directories, the contents of those directories are all merged into image target dir - The build context is the last arg to build, often `.` aka the current directory - You cannot pull files from the parent directory --- # EXPOSE - Documentation from image builder to user - Indicates ports the container should listen - Does not impact ability to publish ports - Not needed for container networking ??? - Configuration of the listening port could be changed in app - Docker doesn't control what port app listens on --- # WORKDIR - A `cd` inside a `RUN` command is lost - Use `WORKDIR` to define the current directory - Applies to `RUN`, containers, `COPY`, and `ADD` ??? - RUN only captures changes to the filesystem, `cd` only affects current shell - WORKDIR is like a persistent `cd`, even affects containers --- # USER - Do not use `sudo` with containers - `USER` defines a user and group for future containers (including `RUN`) ```no-highlight USER root RUN useradd -u 5000 app USER app:app ``` ??? - Sudo would allow privilege escalation - User needs to exist inside of container - Good best practice to not run containers as root (or use user namespaces) - You can `docker container exec -u` to run commands as another user --- # VOLUME - Forces a volume at that path on all future containers - Results in anonymous volumes - Breaks ability to modify directory with RUN - Breaks downstream images - Not needed to define a volume later - Best done with `docker-compose.yml` ??? - VOLUME has more bad features than good, avoid - The volume is forced, but if the user doesn't define the volume, you get an anonymous volume - Long guid, without any indication of source container/image - During RUN, temp volume is created, initialized with image contents, changes apply in volume, and image layer is only the changes to the container filesystem (note buildkit behaves differently) - Users are best off with docker-compose.yml to allow them to extend image (initialize DB) - Can also create entrypoint to initialize volume from another image directory --- name: multi-stage # Multi-Stage Builds ```no-highlight FROM redis FROM nginx FROM php ``` ??? - What would happen if this was built? - You'd get a php image - Multi-stage builds have multiple FROM lines - Each from defines a new image being built, a new stage, separate from the previous stage - Multi-stage does not merge images - So what is multi-stage good for? ... --- # Multi-Stage Builds ```no-highlight FROM maven:latest COPY src/ /usr/src/app/ RUN mvn package CMD jre /usr/src/app/target/app.jar ``` ??? - What happens when we compile our app inside the container? - We ship the entire source code, compiler, and compiled code to prod --- class: small # Multi-Stage Builds ```no-highlight ARG JAVA_VER=11 # stage 1: build FROM maven:3-jdk-${JAVA_VER} as mvn COPY src/ /usr/src/app/ RUN mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true CMD jre /usr/src/app/target/app.jar # stage 2: test FROM mvn as test RUN mvn test # stage 3: package FROM openjre:${JAVA_VER}-jre as release COPY --from=mvn /usr/src/app/target/app.jar /usr/src/app/target/app.jar CMD jre /usr/src/app/target/app.jar ``` ??? - Multi-stage allows us to build multiple images but only ship one - Can copy files from previous image - Full featured compile in docker + minimal image to ship - `FROM` has "as" to give stage an alias - `FROM` can also be the result of another stage - `COPY --from` can pull from previous stages or other images --- # Developer Workflow - Run app inside a container with a volume mount to code - Configure app to dynamically update with code change for interpreted languages - Run a compile as entrypoint for compiled languages ```no-highlight docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name flask \ -v "$(pwd):/app:ro" flask-app ``` ??? - Do developers need to build a new image for every change? No. - With multi-stage builds, developers often run a build stage rather than a release stage - Flask is a python based web server framework, has a development mode to load changes - The `-v` gives us a volume mount - We need the full path, so we run `$(pwd)` to get the current directory - What does `:ro` do? Makes the volume read-only inside the container, only make changes from the host --- template: terminal
??? - Flask app developer workflow --- name: registry template: inverse # I was promised a ship ??? - We did run - Now we did build - What about the ship? - Note: Docker's slogan changed to Build, Share, Run. Ships make better slides. --- # Registry - Artifact repository for docker images - Docker Hub, GCR, ECR,, etc - Registry container, Harbor, Artifactory, Nexus - Based on image tag, push and pull commands - Only push and pull new layers ```no-highlight $ docker image build -t my-app:1.0 . $ docker image tag my-app:1.0 $ docker image push $ docker image pull ``` ??? - Registry is an open spec from docker, lots of implementations - Some cloud/SaaS based, others are self hosted - Harbor is best featured self hosted option, CNCF - This is how we move images from CI servers to dev through prod - Docker knows what registry based on the image tag, prefix with host:port - Hub is default, only needs your username - You can save/load images, but this includes every layer, lose sharing/efficiency --- name: orchestration template: inverse # Orchestration --- # Orchestration - Manages containers - Quorum High Availability - Declarative vs Imperative - Networking handles replicas and multiple nodes ??? - Running one container is easy, 100's is error prone - Raft is the preferred HA quorum model - Requires a majority of managers to be available - If you have 2 nodes and 1 goes down, do you have a majority? No - Quorum: "I can't even", 3 allows 1, 5 allows 2 - More managers increases availability but decreases throughput, wait for each manager to sync - Declarative: this is my target state, "make it so" - Networking: - RR container to container when there are multiple replicas - Publishing a port needs to RR to those replicas too - Networks need to span multiple hosts, overlay networking --- name: recap template: inverse # Recap --- # Recap - Buffer Overflow --- template: ttitle name: thanks # Thank You .content[ .left-column[ .pic-80[![Slides QR](img/github-qr.png)] ] .right-column[.align-right[.no-bullets[
- Brandon Mitchell - Twitter: @sudo_bmitch - GitHub: sudo-bmitch ]]] ] ??? - This presentation is online, you can watch it again